Certificate in Child-Centered Play Therapy with Neurorelational Emphasis
The Certificate in Child-Centered Play Therapy with a Neurorelational Emphasis is a professional training program for individuals wishing to deepen their knowledge of theory and skills in play-based therapeutic techniques with children. This program was designed in collaboration with renowned play therapy expert and co-founder of the Play Strong Institute, Georgie Wisen-Vincent, LMFT RPT-S, and New York Times bestselling author and parenting expert, Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, founder and Executive Director of The Center for Connection, to promote development and research in working with children, adolescents, and their families. The field of play therapy is innovative and highly rewarding, and professionals from all over the world have completed this program to learn the foundations of therapeutic play.
With a core emphasis in child-centered practice and neuroscience, the underpinnings of the Play Therapy Certificate currently include an integrative, multidisciplinary relationship-based model focused on the latest research in child development, individual differences, psychotherapy, trauma, and attachment. With the Play Strong Institute’s progressive program, professionals can expand their content knowledge through self-paced study and learn new strategies for leading the field with evidence-based practice. Students study diverse perspectives integrating play therapy with concepts associated with a child and family’s holistic well-being, including neurodevelopmental, biological, social-emotional, sensorimotor, language, cognitive, and caregiving systems. Program participation offers introductory to advanced level perspectives in evidence-based practice to promote healthy relationships in early childhood, school-age children, preadolescents, and families.
Course Overview
The Association for Play Therapy (APT) defines play therapy as “the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development.”
Child-Centered Play Therapy is an evidence-based, developmentally responsive, play-based mental health intervention for children and adolescents who are experiencing forms of relational and behavioral stress (CCPT; Landreth, 1991; 2002; 2012).
This intensive curriculum is presented as self-paced, video-based instruction and provides the theoretical knowledge and applied clinical and educational foundations for integrated assessment and intervention at an introductory to intermediate level employing play therapy techniques. The full certificate program, led by our play therapy faculty, as well as experts in neurobiology, development, and interdisciplinary practice, offers a combination of pre-recorded online webinar classes, interactive class participation included in the filmed recordings, video case presentations, instruction in reflective practice, and if desired, supervision of play therapy practice for an additional fee.
Live participants at the time of recording were guided through lectures, case formulations, experiential activities, role play skill building, and interactive demonstrations with real child volunteers while working towards their Certificate in Child-Centered Play Therapy with a Neurorelational Emphasis.
Study With Us
We welcome individuals who wish to study therapeutic play from a variety of backgrounds, all over the world. Anyone who works with or cares for children can benefit from learning therapeutic play techniques and more effective, neuroscience-informed strategies for supporting the child’s developing mind, brain and relationships. Our students range from mental health professionals, school counselors, teachers, early childhood educators, social workers, early developmental specialists, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, educational therapists, child welfare workers, medical professionals, child life specialists, play and recreational workers, parents, foster carers, and other home-based caregivers.
Meet the Faculty
Thank you for your interest in the Child-Centered Play Therapy Certificate! As the Co-Founder, Program Director, and Lead Faculty of the Play Strong Institute, I’d like to tell you more about this incredible program and the benefits of learning the research-based methods we teach in this course. Over the years, we have engaged with hundreds of professionals and parents, and worked extensively in schools, community agencies, nonprofits and private practice. Our strong commitment to teaching and training play therapy practitioners is evident as we supervise and guide the next generation toward their own successful practice.
About this Course
This course was initially recorded with a real time, in-person group of students, learning dynamically in our state-of-the-art play therapy rooms. It is now available to you as a self-paced program of video workshops. Over 1,000 on-demand students have now enrolled, and we continue to get overwhelmingly positive feedback every day.
In addition to this course, I have also designed the curriculum for three top university graduate programs that teach play therapy in the United States today. As a graduate professor with a Master’s degree in Child-Centered Play Therapy, sharing the art and science of play therapy is my passion.
What's inside the course
Modern play therapy involves a highly creative and deeply reflective set of techniques that can effectively help children and teens alleviate stress, build stronger relationships, learn emotional tools, and live a life full of meaning.
This course includes exploring cutting-edge research around attachment, trauma, child development and all the latest insight from the science of Interpersonal Neurobiology, founded by Dr. Daniel Siegel.
It contains recorded teaching sessions with our faculty and students in real world play sessions with kids, role play sessions with their colleagues, and in-depth group discussions to clarify concepts for students at different levels of training, from beginners to more advanced.
How this course improves your practice
- We outline many strategies and techniques for dealing with difficult situations, like when behaviors arise in session, and how to transform those challenging moments into energized, meaningful therapy.
- We cover the nitty gritty details of intake and assessment, and how to track and measure client progress in a way that makes it very clear to parents and caregivers that change is happening.
- We expose the hidden language of what kids really mean when they play, and how to turn those signals into a therapeutic plan that parents can invest in, and kids truly enjoy.
- We offer many tools for engaging skeptical parents, teachers, and other caregivers, so they actually become play therapy number one fans.
- We uncover tried, tested, and proven strategies that help kids feel safe and super-engaged in therapy sessions, so they can't wait to come back for the next session.
- We unlock joy and confidence that your play therapy work is making a difference. You'll be able to recognize when results unfold right in session, and know exactly how to translate those successful strategies to parents and families, schools, and everywhere else children are cared for.
The on-demand advantage
The original cohort paid $3,750 to attend a year long, twice monthly, in-person training weekend. We recorded the training sessions for everyone to use as a reference.
For remote attendees we made every effort to make them feel like they were part of the action and in the room with us. For example, we held the video camera right where the kids were playing. The camera even had its own seat at the table in the group discussion! We didn't plan to create an on-demand course, but after we reviewed the recordings, we realized we had captured something truly special that should be shared.
We released the on-demand version for only $499, because we know professionals need more support than ever to meet the unprecedented needs of families impacted by stress in our changing times.
Join a supportive community
I am excited to offer you this remarkable training that will greatly enhance your child, adolescent, and family psychotherapy practice. Feel free to watch the video above to get an inside look at the course. Also, by joining the course today, you'll get direct access to me and this vibrant community of play therapy professionals via our Slack community as we regularly network with each other and support everyone's important work. Once you've registered, the course access never expires, so you'll be able to go back and review this incredible material for years to come. I hope you'll join us!
"Right now, children and families are facing unprecedented levels of anxiety and toxic stress and everyone is looking for emotional first aid for our kids. The Play Strong Institute offers an incredible set of tools for clinicians, social workers, educators, child welfare and health care professionals, and anyone else who wants to make an immediate impact on the lives of children. If you want to learn how to tackle trauma with play and empathy and help build stronger brains, hearts and minds, join us today and sign up for this course!" – Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, PhD, Founder/Executive Director, The Center for Connection

Core Faculty
This certificate is taught by multiple faculty members. Click on a faculty member below to view their bio:
Georgie Wisen-Vincent, LMFT RPT-S
Georgie is the Managing Director and Lead Faculty for The Center for Connection Play Strong Institute, a clinical and training institute focused on helping children and families connect and thrive with play therapy. Georgie completed advanced postgraduate study in Child-Centered Play Therapy at the University of Roehampton, England, Intensive Play Therapy Supervision at the University of North Texas Center for Play Therapy, and her Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy at Chapman University. Georgie helped create and coordinate the Loma Linda University Play Therapy Program where she also teaches and supervises graduate students as an adjunct faculty member. Georgie is a frequent speaker for parents and professional groups interested in learning about her Play Strong model for trauma resilience, and other topics related to trauma-informed care and the neurobiology of play and relationships.
Jennifer Shim Lovers, LMFT RPT
Jennifer is a Play Therapy Supervisor at The Center for Connection Play Strong Institute. Jennifer received a Master of Science in Marital & Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary School of Psychology and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. Jennifer focuses on attachment relationships and multicultural perspectives in her work with individuals, couples, children and families. She specializes in parenting consultation and perinatal and fertility support for families. Jennifer is the lead supervisor of graduate trainees in school-based counseling at Aveson and Odyssey Charter Schools in Altadena, California and she maintains a private practice at The Center for Connection in Pasadena, California.
Rebekah Springs, LMFT RPT
Rebekah received her Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and her Bachelors from Azusa Pacific University. Using the framework of interpersonal neurobiology, child development, and the DIR model for intervention, Rebekah has many years' experience at Real Connections Child Development Institute where she provided parent support and education, DIR/Floortime Therapy focusing on children and families with diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder, sensory processing differences, medical fragility and Down Syndrome. Rebekah currently specializes in Infant and Toddler Mental Health at Portland State University and maintains a private practice at Firefly Counseling in Portland Oregon.
Felisha Cullum, LMFT RPT-S
Felisha received her Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and graduate study in Play Therapy at George Fox University, and received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Point Loma Nazarene University. Felisha is an adjunct faculty member at the Loma Linda University Play Therapy Certificate Program where she teaches and supervises graduate students. Felisha is the past president of the San Bernardino Chapter of the California Association for Play Therapy (CalAPT) and maintains a private practice serving children and families in the High Desert.
Dr. Sharon Tan, PsyD
Sharon is a Play Therapy Supervisor at The Center for Connection Play Strong Institute. Dr. Tan received her Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University and her Bachelors from the National University of Singapore. Dr. Tan is a graduate fellow from the Infant-Parent Mental Health Postgraduate Certificate Program from the University of Massachusetts and is currently a California endorsed Infant-Family & Early Childhood Mental Health (0-5) Specialist. Dr. Tan specializes in play therapy approaches based in attachment theory and child development primarily focused on early childhood parent-child relationships and maintains a private practice at The Center for Connection in Pasadena, CA.
Annalise Kordell, LCSW
Annalise is the Clinical Director of The Center for Connection and a Play Therapy Supervisor at the Play Strong Institute. Annalise received her Master of Arts in Social Work from the University of Chicago and completed her Bachelors at Pennsylvania State University. Annalise works primarily with adolescents and their parents towards understanding feelings and changes from a neurodevelopmental and physiological perspective, uncovering the origins of challenging behaviors and providing strategies and tools rooted in the latest developments in Interpersonal Neurobiology and mindfulness. She previously lead a team at the Institute for Girls Development in Pasadena, California, where she coordinated and ran therapy groups focused on girls' empowerment and healthy childhood and adolescence.
Click on a workshop below for its full description, facluty member, and play therapy sub-categories.
- CCPT-L1-501: Introduction to Neurorelational Child-Centered Play Therapy (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-601E: Interpersonal Neurobiology and Implications for Play Therapy (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-502: Play Therapy Assessment (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-602E: Neurodevelopmental Differences in Play Therapy Assessment (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-503: Play Therapy Skills and Techniques 1 (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-603E: Play Therapy Reflective Responses: Attunement (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-504: Play Therapy Skills and Techniques 2 (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-604E: Play Therapy Reflective Responses: Emotional Resilience (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-505: Play Therapy Clinical Applications 1: Themes (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-605E: Countertransference in Play Therapy: A Psychodynamic Perspective (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-506: Play Therapy Clinical Applications 2: Special Populations (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-606E: Incorporating Parents and Family into Play Therapy (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-507: Play Therapy Termination: Creating an Ending Ritual (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-607E: Play Therapy with Adolescents: Brain-Based Approaches (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-508: Play Therapy, Neurobiology and Trauma (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-608E: Delving into Trauma-Based Play Therapy Narratives (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-509: Play Therapy, Infant and Early Child Development (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-609E: Play Therapy Approaches for Infants and Young Children (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-510: Play Therapy, Relationships and Attachment (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-610E: Filial Play Therapy: Parents, Siblings, and Family Systems (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-511: Challenging Behavior in Play Therapy (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-611E: Culturally Responsive Play Therapy (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-512: Supporting Neurodevelopmental Differences in Play Therapy (8.0 CE / 8 hours)
- CCPT-L1-612E: Reflective Practice in Play Therapy (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
- CCPT-L1-701: Evaluating Self-Competence in Play Therapy (4.0 CE / 4 hours)
This is an introductory to intermediate level course with no required prerequisite study. The goal of this certificate program is to provide participants with knowledge and practical skills in therapeutic play techniques for supporting and working with children who may have social, emotional, developmental and behavioral challenges using a relationship-based, neuroscience-informed approach.
Participants who complete the certificate program will be able to:
- Develop knowledge base of Child and Play Therapy including history, theory, legal and ethical considerations, child social-emotional development.
- Learn the conceptual framework of neurobiology and integrate the brain science into the Play Therapy process.
- Plan and prepare for a Play Therapy assessment at the outset of treatment, introduce Play Therapy to child and caregivers, conduct interactive play observation, treatment planning and documentation.
- Working knowledge of Play Therapy skills and techniques, beginning with theoretical and practice issues including the Play Therapy space and relationship, and reflective responses.
- Understand working with the child’s support system and within a multi-disciplinary team approach.
- Develop knowledge base of Play Therapy clinical applications, such as recognizing content and process elements of the child’s therapy narrative, cultural competence and diverse clients, and working with special populations in Play Therapy.
- Evaluate therapeutic progress, plan for termination, and create an effective therapeutic ending for children in Play Therapy.
Registered Play Therapist (RPT) Credential
The title of “play therapist” is governed by the Association for Play Therapy (APT) in the United States. This national organization outlines credentialing requirements to earn the Registered Play Therapist (RPT) credential. Several countries (including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, and Korea) have their own play therapy associations to provide specific pathways to play therapy training and credentialing.
As an Association for Play Therapy (APT) Approved CE Provider (#16-456), we offer play therapy specific continuing education credits that can be used to satisfy partial educational requirements toward the Registered Play Therapist (RPT) application process for eligible mental health professionals in the United States. All of the workshops contained within this online, self-paced certificate program are presented as pre-recorded video, so they may count as APT approved non-contact hours of play therapy education.
If you are interested in becoming a Registered Play Therapist in the United States, you should inform yourself of the current RPT guidelines for how many non-contact CE workshop hours are allowed by visiting the APT website (www.a4pt.org) or by contacting APT directly at (559) 298-3400.
If you are interested in earning a play therapy credential in another country that has a national play therapy association, please contact the corresponding association to determine whether our hours of play therapy education may be transferable to meet some of their educational requirements.
Should you wish to earn our Play Therapy Certificate but your country does not have a play therapy association or credentialing pathway, then you may describe your completed course of study as advancing your learning of therapeutic play techniques and their theoretical basis.
Continuing Education
The Center for Connection Play Strong Institute offers up to 150 non-contact hours of Play Therapy Continuing Education (CE) per enrollment for workshops attended under the Certificate in Child-Centered Play Therapy with a Neurorelational Emphasis. For those working toward the Registered Play Therapist (RPT) credential, the Association for Play Therapy (APT) provides the most up-to-date information on the maximum limit of non-contact CE hours allowed that may be applied to the RPT application (www.a4pt.org for more details).
The following approvals are available:

Approved CE Provider #16-456

American Psychological Association CE Sponsor
Georgeanne Wisen, LMFT RPT-S is approved by the Association for Play Therapy to offer continuing education specific to play therapy (APT Approved Provider #16-456) and the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Georgeanne Wisen, LMFT RPT-S, CE Program Administrator, maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Cancellations and Refunds: Requests for refunds must be made in writing to Georgeanne Wisen, LMFT RPT-S, 3030 E. Colorado Blvd. #214, Pasadena CA 91107. Requests must be postmarked within one week of registration date in order to receive refund. There is a $15 administrative fee for refunds. There are no discounts or refunds for partial attendance.
Grievances: If you are dissatisfied with this workshop or its procedures at any time, please contact Program Administrator, Georgeanne Wisen, LMFT RPT-S at georgie@petitplay.com, or Psychologist Advisor Dr. Rebecca Bokoch, PsyD at rebecca@rebeccabokoch.com, to receive a timely response along with copy of the written grievance policy for addressing participant complaints in a reasonable, ethical, and timely fashion.
Disability: If you have a disability and need accommodations per ADA/504, please provide notification at time of registration but no later than two weeks after starting the first workshop to provide accessibility.
Conflicts of Interest: Georgeanne Wisen, LMFT RPT-S and the associated Faculty instructors do not maintain any relationships associated with these workshops that could be construed as a conflict of interest or commercial support.
Reviews for this Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Click any question below to expand its answer.
Will this course give me everything I need to become a Play Therapist?
We designed this extensive training in Child Centered Play Therapy with a Neurorelational Emphasis to give you the most comprehensive foundation in neuroscience-informed play therapy theory and skills available in a convenient online, self-paced format. People from all over the world are welcome to study play therapy with us, from mental health professionals, to educators, to parents, anyone who works with or cares for children. Once you have completed the entire 150-hour workshop series, you will earn a full certificate of completion awarded by our organization, The Center for Connection PlayStrong Institute. Once you have earned the certificate, you can say that you have completed training in therapeutic play techniques and you may apply these techniques differently depending on the scope of your professional discipline.
Does this course provide a nationally or internationally recognized qualification as a Play Therapist?
Many countries offer a credentialing pathway for licensed or registered mental health professionals to become a Play Therapist. You can search for whether your country of residence has a national play therapy association that governs the process of application and registration as a Play Therapist. This typically includes hours of play therapy instruction, plus additional requirements, such as a specific number of play therapy client contact hours under the supervision of a qualified play therapy supervisor. Our organization is not a national play therapy association and cannot confer the title of “Play Therapist”, but you may be able to apply our educational credit hours toward the nationally recognized pathway to become a Play Therapist in your home country.
Can I apply these continuing education credits toward becoming a Registered Play Therapist with the Association for Play Therapy (APT) in the United States?
As an APT Approved CE Provider (#16-456), we offer play therapy specific continuing education credits that can be used to satisfy part of the RPT hours of play therapy instruction for eligible mental health professionals in the United States. All of the workshops contained within this online, self-paced certificate program are pre-recorded, so they may count as RPT non-contact hours of play therapy education. You can check out the current APT guidelines around how many non-contact CE workshop hours are allowed on their website (www.a4pt.org) or by contacting APT directly at (559) 298-3400.
Can I sign up for this program if I do not wish to become a Play Therapist?
Yes, you can! We welcome individuals who wish to study play therapy from a variety of backgrounds, all over the world. Anyone who works with or cares for children can benefit from learning therapeutic play techniques and more effective, neuroscience-informed strategies for supporting the child’s developing mind, brain and relationships. Our students range from mental health professionals, school counselors, teachers, early childhood educators, social workers, early developmental specialists, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, educational therapists, child welfare workers, medical professionals, child life specialists, play and recreational workers, parents, foster carers, and other home-based caregivers.
Will I receive a certificate of completion on a per workshop basis?
We have an easy to use, online dashboard to help you navigate course content and materials. You’ll view workshop videos within the online dashboard, and it tracks your attendance for you. Each time you complete one of our workshops, you’ll be prompted to complete a workshop survey and post-test. Once those are completed, a workshop certificate of completion will appear within the dashboard, stored there and ready to print at your convenience. Once all of the workshops in the certificate program have been completed, you’ll be sent the full program certificate of completion.
Once I complete all the workshops, how do I get the full program certificate of completion?
The course online dashboard system tracks how many workshops you have completed in the series. When you have viewed 100% of the workshops, completed the workshop surveys and post-tests, you will be eligible to receive the full program certificate of completion. Feel free to contact Georgie Wisen-Vincent, LMFT RPT-S, Program Administrator, georgie@thecenterforconnection.org, if you have completed the entire course but have not yet been sent the full certificate of completion.
Can you provide continuing education credits toward renewal of my mental health license in the United States?
Our CE Program Administrator, Georgie Wisen-Vincent, LMFT RPT-S, is approved to provide continued education credits (CEs) through the Association for Play Therapy (APT) for aspiring RPTs and RPT-S, the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (CAMFT) for LCSWs, LMFTs, and LPCCs in California only, and the American Psychological Association (APA) for psychologists across the United States. CE credit completion forms earned from our program could be used toward license renewal for California LCSWs, LMFTs, and LPCCs, and psychologists across the US.
Is it all didactic lecture-style teaching within the program, or are there experiential activities as well?
This certificate program began as a live training cohort of students meeting in-person and over Zoom, learning together in the room as a highly engaged, dynamic and cohesive group. Within the training, you’ll watch a close-knit group of students learning through lectures, small group discussion, role play skill building, creative activities, and live demonstrations with real child volunteers. Most of the people attending the training sessions already had some experience working with children and some already had some introductory skills in play therapy or child and family counseling and psychotherapy. In fact, we used this exact program of study to fully train our team of play therapists at The Center for Connection. Then the Covid-19 pandemic happened, and as our services moved to telehealth, we moved the entire certificate program online and drastically reduced the price (from $3750 to $499) to help professionals meet the unprecedented levels of mental health need of families.
Are there any required readings or assignments associated with the program?
Each workshop comes with course materials and handouts and suggested readings, but there are no required readings or assignments associated with the on-demand version of the certificate program. You’ll simply watch all 150 hours of the workshop series and complete the workshop surveys and post-tests. The original live cohort of students was asked to complete two major assignments, a competence log and a final role play demonstration of skills, which you’ll see reviewed in the final two recorded workshops in the program. But on-demand students are not required to complete either of these assignments at this time, because the course is now only offered as pre-recorded workshop videos.
Is the course all video on demand, or are there any live workshops available?
The Child Centered Play Therapy Certificate with a Neurorelational Emphasis is offered exclusively online, as a series of pre-recorded video workshops that you can work through conveniently at your own pace. There are no required live workshops. We do offer free live workshops on a monthly basis that you can sign up for through our website to enrich your professional learning and connect with our faculty and other students in the program. At the moment, we are not able to provide live workshop CEs for these free trainings.
Do you offer a group discount if my work colleagues and I want to sign up together?
Definitely! For groups of 5+ individuals, we have a special discounted rate of $399 per person. All you need to do is reach out to us by email with a few details about each participant, including their first and last names and email addresses, and let us know if your workplace will be handling the registration or if each person will be paying individually. From there, we can send out an invoice if your agency will be paying by check, set up a secure method of credit card payment, or create a discount link for each person to register individually. Feel free to contact Georgie Wisen-Vincent, LMFT RPT-S, Program Administrator, georgie@thecenterforconnection.org, to arrange for the discounted rate for your group.
What if my agency wants to schedule a speaking engagement or a bespoke training program?
Our core Faculty are frequently invited to speak at conferences and offer keynote presentations. We can also send your agency a proposal for in-house, bespoke trainings if you would be interested in having your staff learn play therapy theory and practice. Feel free to contact Georgie Wisen-Vincent, LMFT RPT-S, Program Administrator, georgie@thecenterforconnection.org, to request more information about speaking engagements or agency trainings.
Do you offer RPT-S play therapy specific supervision?
We do offer a monthly Zoom play therapy supervision group, led by an RPT-S play therapy supervisor. There is an additional cost for group at $75 per 1.5-hour session. The groups are vibrant, highly engaged play therapists at various stages of training or earning the RPT, from seasoned licensed therapists to unlicensed associates. Most of them have a neurorelational focus to their clinical work. We also work with a number of individual supervisees who either need to supplement the number of hours of supervision they need per month based on the number of hours of play therapy clients they serve per week, or they want to do some in-depth consultation around concepts and detailed case review. Individual times are based on shared availability and the additional cost for individual supervision is $150 per 45 min session. Feel free to <a href='/group'>contact us</a> if you are interested in group or individual play therapy supervision (or both).
Can I meet or speak with Georgie or other faculty to ask questions or get support?
You absolutely can! The quickest way to get support is to contact Georgie Wisen-Vincent, LMFT RPT-S, Program Administrator, georgie@thecenterforconnection.org, by email and she typically responds within a 24-hour turnaround. We also give every student full access to our play therapy community on Slack, where people can text chat in real time with questions, look for resources, post about upcoming events, network with each other, and deepen the course learning.
How long will I have access to the videos of the certificate program?
Once you have registered for the full course, you’ll have ongoing access to all the videos and course materials with no end date. Yes, you read that right! Course access never expires, so you can return to the online dashboard anytime, anywhere to work through the videos and take as long as you like. It’s meant to be the most convenient play therapy training available for busy professionals. Unlimited course access also means that there is no rush to print out certificates because they will always be stored for you in one, easy to navigate dashboard.