Where Can I Find Non-Contact Play Therapy Training Hours?
An increasing number of professionals are seeking self-study and non-contact training opportunities. These self-paced workshops and programs are engaging, convenient, and often as effective as in-person or live webinar sessions. But where can you find these non-contact Play therapy trainings?
Quick Look

Continuing education is an important part of the constant development of therapists to not only expand their skill set but also ensure they can offer the most effective treatment for every child. Whether through professional associations or well-known universities, there are plenty of resources available for those who are seeking non-contact hours of play therapy training.

Director, Play Strong Institute

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Professional Associations

The Association for Play Therapy (APT) is the premier organization in the U.S. dedicated to the field of play therapy. APT often sponsors workshops, conferences, and specialized training sessions where professionals can acquire and refine their skills.

  • APT Approved CE Providers: These are individuals or organizations that offer play therapy trainings which meet APT's high standards. Search through their online directory to find training opportunities as non-contact CE hours.

  • Annual APT Conference: The Annual APT Conference is an excellent opportunity for learning, networking, and immersion in the field. The conference is presented in-person each year, but often the recordings are available to purchase as self-study CEs on the APT website.

Universities and Academic Institutions

Many institutions now offer online courses and certifications in play therapy. Some universities even provide Master’s and Doctoral programs with an emphasis on play therapy.

  • Search for Academic Programs: Look into universities and colleges that offer online play therapy certificate programs. Some institutions may have specialized tracks or electives focused on play therapy.

Online Directories

Online platforms like The Play Strong Institute host live webinar or self-study CE workshops and training sessions on play therapy. These platforms can be especially helpful for finding web-based training opportunities.

Local Mental Health Organizations

Many local non-profit organizations and community mental health centers offer training sessions, workshops, and seminars on a variety of topics, including play therapy, as live webinars or non-contact CE sessions.

  • Network: Connect with local therapists and ask about any upcoming training events or recommended organizations. Personal recommendations can often lead to quality training opportunities.

Specialized Training Centers

There are centers and institutes worldwide that focus solely on play therapy and related approaches. These organizations often offer intensive courses, certificates, and workshops online.

  • The Center for Play Therapy at the University of North Texas, is one such institution that offers training and resources in the field.
  • The Play Strong Institute is a professional organization that specializes in providing quality play therapy education and trainings and a self-paced online play therapy certificate for non-contact CE hours.

International Opportunities

For those willing to calculate time differences, numerous international organizations offer online play therapy trainings. The British Association of Play Therapists (BAPT) and the Australasia Pacific Play Therapy Association (APPTA) are two such entities outside the U.S. Learn more about several countries who offer play therapy focused trainings through their play therapy organizations, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Italy, and Japan. Please note: If you wish to seek play therapy CEs outside the U.S>, verify with APT whether they are acceptable forms of training for the RPT or RPT-S credentials.

Key Tips When Choosing a Live Webinar Training

  • Reputation: Research the trainers and the organization offering the training. Look for reviews or ask colleagues for recommendations.

  • Accreditation: Especially if you're aiming for certification, ensure the training is recognized by relevant professional bodies.

  • Content: Ensure the curriculum covers the essentials of play therapy and offers a balance of theory and practical application.

  • Post-Training Support: Some trainings offer ongoing mentorship or support, which can be invaluable as you integrate play therapy into your practice.