How Can I Track My Play Therapy Hours to Become an RPT?
As a professional in training to become a Registered Play Therapist (RPT), it is crucial to be tracking the hours you spend in training, direct service, and supervision. Let's look at a few effective strategies to keep track of your play therapy-related hours.
Quick Look

Tracking play therapy hours is essential for various professional reasons, but it also serves as preparation and documentation for submitting the Registered Play Therapist (RPT) Application. By staying organized and diligent, you'll find that this administrative task seamlessly integrates into your routine, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: becoming the qualified play therapist you really want to be.

Director, Play Strong Institute

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Why Tracking Hours Is Important

  1. Certification Process: The Association for Play Therapy requires a specific number of play therapy specific hours of education and supervised play therapy hours to apply to become an RPT. By keeping track, you ensure you're meeting your professional requirements.

  2. Professional Growth: Documenting your hours provides a tangible metric of your experience and can be a means of reflecting on and identifying areas for further training.

  3. Thorough Recordkeeping: For those trying to keep track of many logged hours from several different APT approved CE providers as well as play therapy client hours under RPT-S supervision, accurate tracking ensures that all records will be kept tidy and easy to translate into the RPT Application when the time comes.

Strategies to Track Play Therapy Hours

  1. Manual Logbooks:

    • Pros: They're simple, tangible, and require no tech-savviness.
    • Cons: They can be easily lost, and calculating totals can become tedious.
    • Tips: Date every entry, and consistently log sessions immediately after they occur to ensure accuracy.
  2. Digital Spreadsheets:

    • Pros: Easy to organize, backup, and calculate totals. Tools like Excel or Google Sheets are widely available.
    • Cons: They require basic digital literacy and consistent backups to prevent data loss.
    • Tips: Create columns for the date, client name (preferably code for privacy compliance), session duration, session type, and notes. Consider using cloud storage for automatic backups.
  3. Specialized Software & Apps:

    • Pros: Tailored for therapists, these often come with built-in features like reminders, reports, and integration with billing systems.
    • Cons: Might come with a learning curve, and there's often a cost involved.
    • Tips: Look for software reviews from fellow therapists, and consider any trial periods to test out the software before fully committing.
  4. Wall Calendars:

    • Pros: Visually straightforward, provides a month-at-a-glance overview, and it's easy to annotate.
    • Cons: Limited space for detailed notes, and there's the risk of misplacement.
    • Tips: Use color-coding to differentiate between session types or clients.
  5. Digital Calendars:

    • Pros: Integrates with other digital tools, can set reminders, and is easily accessible from various devices.
    • Cons: Requires consistent digital device access.
    • Tips: Tools like Google Calendar or Apple Calendar allow for recurring appointments, making it easier to track regular sessions.

Additional Tips for Effective Tracking

  • Consistency is Key: Whichever method you choose, the most crucial aspect is consistency. Make it a habit to log hours immediately after sessions.

  • Backup: If you're using digital methods, always ensure you have backups. For manual methods, consider scanning or photocopying pages periodically.

  • Privacy: Always protect your clients' privacy. Avoid recording identifiable information or use codes instead of names.

  • Review Regularly: Whether it's weekly, monthly, or quarterly, regularly review your logged hours to ensure accuracy and to stay on top of your professional requirements.