What is the DIR Floortime Model?
One approach to working with children with developmental needs and delays, which has garnered substantial attention in recent years, is the DIR Floortime model. This article explains some of this approach, its foundational principles, and its potential benefits.
Quick Look

The DIR Floortime model provides a valuable framework for understanding and addressing the multifaceted needs of children with developmental and emotional challenges. By focusing on specific developmental needs, respecting individual differences, and emphasizing the role of relationships, this approach offers a comprehensive and humanistic perspective to families. As with any intervention, it is crucial to consult with a trained professional to determine if the DIR Floortime model is suitable for your child's unique needs.

Director, Play Strong Institute

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Foundational Concepts in DIR

DIR Floortime stands for "Developmental, Individual Differences, Relationship-based Model." Created in 1979 by Stanley Greenspan and Serena Wieder, this approach was originally created with autistic and developmentally impacted children in mind. It focuses on supporting children's emotional and developmental capacities rather than solely targeting specific behaviors.

  1. Developmental: The model identifies six early developmental milestones or stages, which are integral to a child's emotional and intellectual growth. These stages are the foundation of the model and provide a roadmap for parents and professionals to support a child's unique developmental trajectory. This treatment approach is especially helpful for children of all ages who have developmental challenges or related needs, or especially for autistic individuals.

  2. Individual Differences: Every child is unique, with their own individual sensory reactions, motor planning capabilities, and ways of interacting with the environment. The DIR model emphasizes understanding and appreciation of these differences.

  3. Relationship-Based: Relationships are at the core of the DIR model. The approach posits that growth and development happen best in the context of warm, safe, nurturing relationships. It uses the power of relationships and connection to encourage the development of self-regulation, engagement, communication, problem-solving, creativity, and reflective thinking and reasoning.

Floortime in Practice

"Floortime" is the practical application of the DIR model. It involves caregivers and professionals engaging with the child at their developmental level and building upon their current strengths and interests. Floortime sessions can be done anytime and anywhere in the child's natural environment.

During Floortime sessions:

  • Caregivers follow the child's lead, tuning into their interests and motivations.

  • They use these interests as a springboard for interaction, challenging the child to climb the developmental ladder.

  • The child is encouraged to explore their environment, communicate, and engage in problem-solving.

Who Can Benefit from DIR Floortime?

The DIR Floortime model was initially designed for autistic children or those with neurodevelopmental differences and delays. However, its principles are broad and flexible, making it appropriate for children with a variety of developmental and emotional challenges. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Speech and language delays
  • Sensory processing disorders
  • Regulatory challenges
  • Developmental delays
  • Emotional and behavioral challenges

Professional Training in DIR Floortime

There are two major organizations which provide professional level trainings in DIR Floortime to multi-disciplinary clinicians, including speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, mental health and play therapists, psychologists, one to one support providers, and other allied health professionals.

Profectum is a leading international organization for DIR Floortime professionals in the United States and other countries. Their website offers a host of resources, and their annual conference is a premier event where professionals can study DIR. They also offer a pathway to DIR certification via live webinars, home-study programs, and workshops that provide the required learning and supervision.

Another organization that offers professional certification in DIR is ICDL, established by Stanley Greenspan in 1991.

Benefits of DIR Floortime

  1. Holistic Approach: Unlike many intervention models that might focus solely on a child's behavior or a specific developmental area, DIR Floortime adopts a comprehensive perspective. It looks at the child's emotional, relational, and developmental needs in tandem.

  2. Empowerment for Families: The model encourages caregivers to be active participants in the intervention process. This not only equips them with tools to support their child but also strengthens parent-child attachment.

  3. Naturalistic Intervention: Floortime sessions occur in the office and in natural, everyday settings, making the skills learned during these sessions more generalizable to the child's daily life.