Can Play Therapy Be Used With Adults?
Play therapy is associated with children and can be used with adolescents. The creative and expressive nature of this therapy, mostly linked with younger people, can also be used with adults. Let's see how play therapy can benefit adults and why it is not strictly reserved for children.
Quick Look

Play therapy, while commonly associated with children, holds vast potential for adults. It offers a unique therapeutic medium that can foster emotional expression, uncover hidden feelings, and provide immense relief. As with all therapies, the suitability varies from person to person, but for those open to it, play therapy can be a transformative experience. It's a gentle reminder that no matter our age, the healing power of play remains within our reach.

Director, Play Strong Institute

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Understanding Play Therapy

Before we explore its application to adults, it's crucial to understand the foundational principles of play therapy. At its core, play therapy is a therapeutic approach that employs toys, games, dolls, art, and other playful tools as a medium for self-expression and communication of thoughts and feelings indirectly. This form of expression often feels safer and more natural than verbal communication, especially for those who may find it challenging to articulate their feelings.

Why Consider Play Therapy for Adults

  1. Safe Emotional Expression: Adults, like children, often grapple with overwhelming emotions. Play provides a non-threatening way for them to express and process these feelings.

  2. Tapping into the Subconscious: The playful and spontaneous nature of this therapy can help adults access suppressed or forgotten memories and emotions from an earlier developmental time.

  3. Stress Relief: Engaging in playful activities can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels.

  4. Creative Problem-Solving: Play stimulates creativity, which can aid in finding new perspectives on issues and non-traditional ways to solve problems.

Play Therapy Techniques Tailored for Adults

While traditional play therapy tools can be adapted for adults, some techniques are specifically designed for this demographic:

  1. Sand Tray Therapy: This method involves creating a miniature world using toy figures and sand. The scenes created can reflect personal experiences, feelings, or conflicts, providing insight into an individual's subconscious.

  2. Art Therapy: Drawing, painting, or crafting can help adults express and process their feelings throuhg a creative medium.

  3. Drama or Role-Play: This allows adults to reenact experiences or situations, providing an opportunity for reflection and re-evaluation.

  4. Movement and Dance Therapy: The body can be a powerful tool for expressing emotion, particularly when words feel inadequate.

Benefits and Considerations

While many adults have benefited from play therapy, it's essential to consider the individual needs of the person. Some adults might feel uncomfortable or even resistant to the idea of "playing," perhaps because it is something they haven't engaged in much as an adult. It's important for therapists to approach the topic with sensitivity and understanding, offering options and explaining the potential benefits without the pressure to participate.