Where Can I Find Play Therapy Continuing Education Credits (CEs)?
Earning Play therapy continuing education (CE) hours are an important part of the training process. They may also meet requirements to become a Registered Play Therapist (RPT), a Registered Play Therapist Supervisor (RPT-S), or renew these credentials. Here, you'll find reliable sources to earn Play therapy CE hours.
Quick Look

While the process of maintaining and acquiring CEs in play therapy requires effort and diligence, it is a way of ensuring that practitioners provide the best possible care to their clients. Finding high quality CE trainings and professional development opportunities can greatly enhance your application to become an RPT, RPT-S, or renew your play therapy credential. By staying informed and updated, play therapists can apply the latest research, methodologies, and insights in their daily practice, ensuring positive outcomes for the children they work with.

Director, Play Strong Institute

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Association for Play Therapy (APT)

APT is the leading international organization for play therapy professionals in the United States. Their website offers a host of resources, and their annual conference is a premier event where professionals can gain CE credits in various topics in play therapy. They also offer webinars, home-study programs, and workshops that provide the required CEs. You can find more information here:

Local Play Therapy Chapters

Many U.S. states have local chapters affiliated with APT. Several countries have their own national play therapy organizations, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, and Japan. These chapters frequently host workshops, seminars, and other events where practitioners can earn CEs while networking with local professionals.

University Programs and Workshops

Several universities offer play therapy certifications and regularly conduct workshops, seminars, and courses that are approved for CE credits. The University of North Texas Center for Play Therapy often hosts continuing education opportunities on Child-centered play therapy.

Online Platforms

In today’s digital age, online platforms have emerged as a convenient option for those looking to earn CEs from the comfort of their homes. The Play Strong Institute provides a certification pathway in play therapy with play therapy-specific courses that can count towards your CE requirements.

Conferences and Workshops

Beyond APT, there are numerous other organizations and institutions that organize conferences, seminars, and workshops on play therapy. These are excellent opportunities to learn from experts in the field and gain valuable CEs.

Journals and Publications

Some peer-reviewed journals in the field of play therapy and child psychology offer CE opportunities. By reading selected articles and passing a related quiz or test, professionals can earn their CEs. The International Journal of Play Therapy, for instance, is one resource available for theses types of CE opportunities.

Points to Remember

  • Always Verify: Before committing time and resources to any course or workshop, ensure that the CEs offered are recognized by APT, your state or country's licensing board or professional organization.

  • Diversify Your Learning: While play therapy is specialized, consider diversifying your learning to include topics such as trauma-informed care, attachment theories, and other relevant areas. This broadens your expertise and can make you a more effective therapist.

  • Network: CE events are not just learning opportunities; they're also great places to network with fellow professionals, discover new resources, and learn about upcoming events or opportunities.