What is Filial Therapy?
Filial therapy addresses the emotional and behavioral needs of children but also focuses on strengthening the parent-child relationship. If you've never heard of Filial therapy or are curious about how it might benefit your family, read on.
Quick Look

Filial therapy offers a unique and empowering approach for families, highlighting the parent's role as an agent of therapeutic change. By fostering stronger relationships, improving communication, and providing parents with the tools they need, this method has proven time and again to create lasting positive change in the lives of families. If you believe your family could benefit from this therapy, consider reaching out to a licensed therapist experienced in Filial therapy.

Director, Play Strong Institute

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Origins of Filial Therapy

Filial therapy was developed in the 1960s by Bernard and Louise Guerney as an innovative form of Child-centered play therapy. It was initially formulated as a way to train parents to use play therapy skills with their own children, providing a hands-on approach for families to tackle emotional and behavioral challenges together.

The Essence of Filial Therapy

At the heart of Filial therapy is the idea that parents can be the most significant agents of change in their children's lives. With proper guidance and training, parents can utilize play therapy techniques to establish stronger emotional connections with their children, understand their world better, and address behavioral concerns more effectively.

Key Components of Filial Therapy

  1. Training Sessions: Parents typically participate in a series of training sessions where they learn essential play therapy skills. This includes understanding how to create a therapeutic environment, how to respond to their child's play, and how to handle any challenging behaviors.

  2. Play Sessions: Once trained in basic play therapy skills, parents engage in regular at-home play sessions with their children, usually lasting around 30 minutes each. During these sessions, the child is allowed to take the lead in play, while the parent observes, responds, and interacts with their child using the skills they've learned.

  3. Feedback and Support: After each play session, therapists provide feedback to parents, offering insights, addressing concerns, and refining their skills. This ongoing support ensures that the therapeutic process continues to evolve and meet the needs of the family.

Benefits of Filial Therapy

  • Strengthened Relationships: Filial therapy fosters a deeper emotional bond between parent and child, leading to increased mutual understanding and trust.

  • Improved Communication: Parents learn to understand their child's non-verbal cues and expressions, leading to more effective communication.

  • Empowerment: Parents often feel more competent and confident in their parenting skills after undergoing Filial Therapy training.

  • Addressing Behavioral Issues: The therapy provides parents with tools to manage and understand the root causes of behavioral challenges, making interventions more effective.

  • Decreased Stress: As communication improves and relationships strengthen, many families report a decrease in overall stress and tension at home.

Who is it For?

While Filial therapy can be beneficial for many families, it's especially useful for:

  • Families with children experiencing emotional or behavioral challenges.

  • Parents who feel disconnected or out of sync with their children.

  • Families undergoing significant transitions, such as divorce or relocation.